Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have been really motivated lately -- no, really.

You don't believe me this you?

Well, let me get you caught up with my life. It's not busy, I promise. It's not even exciting, not one bit.

I am so motivated to make my home beautiful, get tan and skinny, get my act together and blog more. But, I don't..

Here is my goal:
1. To blog at least once a week.
2. To lose 20 pounds by the end of summer.
3. To take more pictures, edit them, and post them.
4. To make our dreams come true.
5. Cook more, try more recipes, and blog about them.
6. To blog about our remodel (Oh, I havent told you?!)
7. To be more organized.

Yes, I know very well that I don't have any followers...but, maybe if I meet these goals...just maybe people will want to read about me??

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! :)
    So nice!
    Consider me your FIRST follower! I'd be honored! :)
