Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kids are wayyyy too cute!

What a hot day...I love it!!

This weekend, my sister-in-law and her husband are spending the weekend in Michigan - that means we got to have the kids for the weekend! So, since I knew I would have the kids for a couple of day I called my brother and asked if I could borrow a few of his SLR lenses. Man, I captured all of this in about an hour...LOVE THEM!

Little A looking very innocent...behind the lense she kept pouring very COLD water on me. BRRRR...but, like I said it was hot and it felt nice!

We also had a fish fry for lunch...and tonight maybe cook up some homemade pizza. I really could get used to the genuine laughs that come from having little people around 24/7 -- their imagination is incredible...and the random comments that come from their mouth. *Sigh* I love being an Auntie!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My (Second) Man

This is my second favorite man in my life...
Introducing: Riley
How we met: Before Husband was Husband...I lived alone while Husband was working on the road. Booo. I needed someone to keep my sane.
Except, that someone turned into a dog.
I try not to be that crazy dog lady...but, seriously...this dog knows me better than some humans. Okay, so, maybe that did sound a bit crazy...
But, look at those puppy eyes ;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Re-model Progress...

Well, we are currently in the middle of a remodel.

Our first one.

Errrr. Good idea?

I have been inspired by wayyyy too many bloggers, google finds, and magazines. I really can't wait to show you the before and after pictures.

The thing that is weighing heavy on my mind is...we might not even get to enjoy it ourselves. Which, to be completely honest would be the greatest thing in the world!

No, really.

Do you think I'm crazy yet?!

Well, you see...Husband has a job interview. For the.dream.job. Yupp, really didn't think that opening would happen for 3+ years. So, now here we are. Frantically trying to get the upstairs done. Praying like crazy. Ironing shirts, buying pants, shining shoes, printing resumes. Oh, brother!

Our plan if he gets the job? Quickly finish the remodel...and let someone else enjoy it. :( Really, it would be the best thing that could happen. I promise.

For now, here is the "before"...

Soon to come...widened doors, bigger room, 1/2 bath, and walk-in closet...oh my!


I have been really motivated lately -- no, really.

You don't believe me this you?

Well, let me get you caught up with my life. It's not busy, I promise. It's not even exciting, not one bit.

I am so motivated to make my home beautiful, get tan and skinny, get my act together and blog more. But, I don't..

Here is my goal:
1. To blog at least once a week.
2. To lose 20 pounds by the end of summer.
3. To take more pictures, edit them, and post them.
4. To make our dreams come true.
5. Cook more, try more recipes, and blog about them.
6. To blog about our remodel (Oh, I havent told you?!)
7. To be more organized.

Yes, I know very well that I don't have any followers...but, maybe if I meet these goals...just maybe people will want to read about me??