Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is it Friday yet?!

Man, I feel like I have just had one.of.those.weeks.
I am pooped, feeling sick, and overwhelmed.
I have tasks/projects and just things I should be doing weighing heavy on my mind.
One of those things is my lack of going to the gym.
Does anyone else struggle with this?
I feel like sometimes I have all the motivation to go -- then AHH HA, the excuses start.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get yourself motivated to get to the gym?
I know...just do it.... right?

Anyways, this weekend is my work's Christmas party.
The theme is Ugly Christmas Sweater -- I have some
fantastic stuff for the hubby and I to wear. It should be a pretty decent time!

I am still waiting on some photos from my brother to try and do some wedding recaps. Believe me!?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Talk about saving money!!

So, my new sister-in-law told me about her coupon clipping habit...
Getting the Sunday paper and clipping tons of coupons, searching online, keeping a binder full of them?!
I didn't think much of it. Really...
Until, I saw this:

Talk about crazy!!

So, I've been doing some mini research so far. I am NOT good at this nor have I even tried it. But, here are some sites that have either been referred to me or that I have found by searching:

(And really, once you start searching the list is ENDLESS!)

How do you feel about coupon use? Do you have any good tips?


I really have had a lot of plans since the wedding...
But, mostly I have just been lazy.
Currently, I am suffering from a pulled back muscle.
I am very limited -- really, it's no fun!
(Putting on socks takes about 10 minutes)

I've tried a few new recipes - some that I have loved and some that I have hated.
I will make sure to talk about those...
I WILL do wedding recaps (eventually)...
Ugh, who am I kidding, how lame is my blog? Really??

I want to be a blog do I make this happen?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Worth EVERY penny...

As much as I'd love to post pictures on the blog for you -- I am unable to due to copyright. But, I would LOVE to share with you my wedding photos. Please brace yourself (there quite a few)...

Here are the instructions to view the photos:
Go to
Click on 'Weddings'
Click on 'Clients'
Password: lienwedding

I sure hope you enjoy viewing these as much as we did...we think it was worth EVERY penny!


Still busy as ever -- I would really love to start some re-caps of the wedding. Man-oh-man I give credit to those who are on top of blogging!

Things we haven't done since being married:
-Thank You's
-Ordered photos from our professional photographer
-Put away every single one of our gifts
-Stayed Home

Things we have done since being married:
-Husband as gone hunting
-Wife has read the Twilight Saga
-Gone to Weddings and Wedding related festivities
-Gone out to eat

Eek, pathetic, right? I hope to get on track...with some good cooking, some organization, re-modeling projects, and wrapping up wedding related stuff. :)